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邮   箱liuhaoma@whut.edu.cnlhma@link.cuhk.edu.hk


2019年   博士   香港中文大学

2015年   硕士   华中科技大学

2012年   学士   华中科技大学


2020-今       澳门新莆京游戏大厅        教师、硕士生导师

2019-2020     香港中文大学         博士后研究员


  1. 主持湖北省武汉英才-优秀青年项目一项2022-2023

  2. 主持佛山仙湖实验室重大项目子课题一项2022-2023

  3. 主持国家自然科学基金青年项目一项2022-2024

  4. 主持美的集团委托研发项目一项2021-2022

  5. 主持襄阳技术转移中心科技产业化资金项目一项2021-2022

  6. 入职前参与香港研究资助局优配研究基金,香港创新科技署创新及科技基金,国家重点研发计划"政府间国际科技创新合作"重点专项,国家自然科学基金面上项目,深圳市基础研究重点项目,广东省自然科学基金以及国家重点实验室开放基金







温大新硕 士 (联合指导,香港中文大学机械与自动化工程系,校优秀硕士论文)


  1. 湖北省武汉英才-优秀青年人才项目2021

  2. 华中科技大学优秀毕业研究生2015

  3. Energy》、《Applied Optics》、《Applied Physics B》、《Measurement Science and Technology》等杂志审稿人



  1. L. Ma*, K-P Cheong*, K. Duan, W. Ren, "Hybrid constraint multi-line absorption spectroscopy for non-uniform thermochemical measurements in axisymmetric laminar and jet flames", Optics and lasers in Engineering, 154, 107014, (2022).

  2. G. Sheng, L. Ma*, D. Wen, Y. Wang*. Simultaneous measurements of temperature, CO2 concentration and soot volume fraction in counterflow diffusion flames using a single mid-infrared laser, Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics, 128, 62, (2022).

  3. M. Zhou, F. Yan, L. Ma*, P. Jiang, Y. Wang*, S. Chung, "Chemical speciation and soot measurements in laminar counterflow diffusion flames of ethylene and ammonia mixtures", Fuel, 308, 122003 (2022).

  4. D. Wen, L. Ma*, Y. Wang*, "Effects of thermochemical non-uniformity on line-of-sight laser absorption thermometry in counterflow diffusion flames", Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 277, 107990, (2022).

  5. W. Duan, F. Yan, H. Zhang, L. Ma*, D. Wen, W. Wang, G. Sheng, Y. Wang, Q. Wang*. "A laser-based multipass absorption sensor for sub-ppm detection of methane, acetylene and ammonia", Sensors, 22(2), 556, (2022).

  6. L. Ma*, K. Duan, K-P Cheong*, W. Ren, "Multispectral infrared absorption spectroscopy for quantitative temperature measurements in axisymmetric laminar sooting flames", Case Studies in Thermal Engineering28, 101575 (2021).

  7. M. Raza, L. Ma*, S. Yao, L. Cheng, W. Ren*, "High-temperature dual-species (CO/NH3) detection using calibration-free scanned-wavelength-modulation spectroscopy at 2.3 μm ", Fuel, 305, 121591 (2021).

  8. L. Ma, K-P Cheong*, M. Yang, C. Yuan, W. Ren*, "On the quantification of boundary layer effects on the line-of-sight temperature measurements using laser absorption spectroscopy", Combustion Science and Technology, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1080/00102202.2021.1925657.

  9. L. Ma, K-P. Cheong, H. Ning, W. Ren*, "An improved study of the uniformity of laminar premixed flames using laser absorption spectroscopy and CFD simulation", Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 112 110013 (2020).

  10. L. Ma, Z. Wang, K-P. Cheong, H, Ning, and W. Ren*, "Mid-infrared heterodyne phase-sensitive dispersion spectroscopy in flame measurements", Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 37(2), 1329−1336 (2019).

  11. L. Ma, H. Ning, J. Wu, K-P. Cheong, W. Ren*, "Characterization of temperature and soot volume fraction in the laminar premixed sooting flame: laser absorption/extinction measurement and 2D CFD simulation", Energy & Fuels, 32(12), 12962−12970 (2018).

  12. L. Ma, H. Ning, J. Wu, W. Ren*, "In situ flame temperature measurements using a mid-infrared two-line H2O laser-absorption thermometry", Combustion Science and Technology, 190(3), 392−407 (2018).

  13. L. Ma, Z. Wang, K-P. Cheong, H, Ning, and W. Ren*, "Temperature and H2O sensing in laminar premixed flames using mid-infrared heterodyne phase-sensitive dispersion spectroscopy", Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics, 124:117 (2018).

  14. L. Ma, L.Y. Lau, and W. Ren*, "Non-uniform temperature and species concentration measurements in a laminar flame using multi-band infrared absorption spectroscopy", Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics, 123:83 (2017).

  15. Z. Wang, W. Wang, L. Ma, P. Fu, W. Ren, and X. Chao*Mid-infrared CO2sensor with blended absorption features for non-uniform laminar premixed flamesApplied Physics B, 128,31 (2022)

  16. K. Duan, L. Ma, Y. Yong, W. Ren*, "Tunable diode laser-based two-line thermometry: a non-contact thermometer for active body temperature measurement", Applied Optics, 60 (23), 7036-7042 (2021).

  17. K. Xu, L.Ma, J. Chen, Xin Zhao, Q. Wang, R. Kan, Z. Zheng*, W. Ren*, “Dual-comb Spectroscopy for Laminar Premixed Flames with a Free-running Fiber Laser”, Combustion Science and Technology, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1080/00102202.2021.1879796.

  18. Y. Shang#, Z. Wang#, L. Ma, J. Shi, H. Ning*, W. Ren*, S. Luo, "Shock tube measurement of NO time-histories in nitromethane pyrolysis using a quantum cascade laser at 5.26 μm", Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 38(1), 1745-1752, (2021).

  19. H. Ning, J. Wu, L. Ma, W. Ren*, "Exploring the pyrolysis chemistry of prototype aromatic ester phenyl formate: Reaction pathways, thermodynamics and kinetics", Combustion and Flame, 211, 337−346 (2020).

  20. K-P. Cheong, L. Ma, Z. Wang, W. Ren*, "Influence of Line Pair Selection on Flame Tomography Using Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy ", Applied Spectroscopy, 2018,73(5), 529−539 (2019).

  21. J. Wu, H. Ning, L. Ma, P. Zhang and W. Ren*, "Cascaded group-additivity ONIOM: A new method to approach CCSD(T)/CBS energies of large aliphatic hydrocarbons", Combustion and Flame, 201, 31-43 (2019). (2019).

  22. H. Ning, J. Wu, L. Ma, W. Ren*, D. F. Davidson, and R. K. Hanson, "Chemical kinetic modeling and shock tube study of methyl propanoate decomposition", Combustion and Flame, 184, 30−40 (2017).










